

Why Collaborate

Colony’s next business event is a collaborative one with a large number of other support groups. I was asked recently why I would collaborate and openly promote other business support and networking groups when I run my own networking group and wish to attract future attendees. My answer is simple: The focus of a networking […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Guest Blog – 6 Must Read Articles that will Shape Your Social Media Strategy

Guest blog from Alex Platt of Swift Virtual Assistant, speaker at our March 2016 event on Social Media Scheduling (for further event info, click here). So, what exactly is a Social Media Strategy? Well to put it simply, a social media strategy is the plan for how you are going to use social media in […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Goal Setting or should that be Goal Re-Setting

So, January is often the month of planning for many people. New Year’s Resolutions are set by many both for their businesses and personally. Whether or not you’re a believer in NYR’s, why limit yourself to a January expression of intent; why not focus on the whole year and goal-set more realistically and over an […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

The Pace of your Networking

Everyone networks in a different way, and at a different pace, which explains why there are so many successful networking events offered by varying groups with differing styles and objectives and each with their own merits. The networking terrain in some locations is a busy one and so for networkers experienced or new, selection criteria need to include […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Guest Blog – Networking is Good for Your Soul!

Guest blog from Joanne Hawkins of Executive VPA, speaker at our November 2015 event on using a VA (for further event info, click here). Why Networking Is Good For Your Soul, Not Just for Your Business. As I was preparing for last month’s NWVA conference, I thought a lot about what I wanted the attendees […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Jack of all trades…Master of none!

You’re great at what you do, you set up in business and suddenly you start wearing all the business support function hats at once – multi-tasking like crazy for fear of losing managerial or financial control if you opted to outsource or employ instead. As a small business owner, you often become the sales and […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Can outsourcing help your Business?

If you’re a small business and growing then you may need to outsource – if you don’t already.  If you already outsource and are still growing, then at some point you’ll need to re-assess the pro’s and con’s of outsourcing and consider taking a leap of faith into the world of employment. So, what is […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Failing to plan = Planning to fail

‘Failing to plan = Planning to fail’ is the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin frequently applied in the world of business. You’re a small business, highly efficient and skilled at what you do and already have clients. So, how important is regular planning; is it just necessary at start-up or should you review the business […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Treat people the way they’d like to be treated

It’s always admirable to treat people as you’d like to be treated yourself. In a personal arena, it’s respectful, endearing and forges the strongest of friendships. But does this still stand true? And how does it translate into business life? Perhaps, it’s time to move on. There are some base-line items that we’d all like […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Spend your time wisely in business

The You-Tube clip below is a great reminder of how precious time really is and how we must spend it wisely.  The content here relates to personal time, but what about our business time? (the 3202 days spent at work in an average lifetime according to this clip). It’s clear that we’re more time-poor than […]

By Kirsty James | Business News