

When is ‘business as usual’ ok?

Like many business owners I’ve spoken to, business was not as usual in the aftermath of events in Manchester and it was difficult to know when to resume normality, particularly on social media and especially as it occurred on our doorstep.  This was compounded further for me personally when at the end of that same […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Do you have the KLT factor?

I owe my blog theme this month to a recent marketing course delivered by Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub and Carpe Diem wherein the concept of H2H marketing was the focus and where I was also introduced to the room by a fellow delegate as a person that is ‘known, liked and trusted’. ‘Know – Like […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Quality or Quantity: the eternal networking debate

So, what’s your networking preference…and is there a place for both quantity and quality? Do you view networking as a numbers a game; meet enough people and you’re bound to generate prospects, populate your sales funnel, engage that ideal supplier or find a solutions provider for yourself or a contact. Or are you after quality, […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Guest Blog – I’m Really Sorry. I Didn’t Have Time!

It’s time for time management and according to this blog, perhaps a holiday too. Our blog this month offers one ‘time management’ tip and comes from business coach Mark Dyble of SME Business Solutions, who also the speaker and facilitator at Colony’s March 2017 event. I’m Really Sorry. I Didn’t Have Time. “I’m sorry I didn’t have […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Networking Do’s and Don’ts aren’t enough. Try WWWWWH

There are always plenty of articles providing well-intended advice for networkers (new and experienced) on the desirable Do’s and perilous Don’ts of networking. Whilst the advice is practical, mostly common-sense, and helpful, it probably needs to go a step further. Once in a while you still get someone who exhibits from the Don’t list – […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Successful businesses need a Plan B

As in life, businesses need a Plan B. Not everything goes to plan all of the time. Having a Plan B is not a sign of being defeatist, pessimistic or, as some might say, allowing negative pre-programming of your mindset. Quite the contrary. Having a Plan B is all about entertaining thoughts of success. It’s […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Guest Blog – 3 Reasons to start a Business Blog

Our blog this month ironically covers the subject of ‘Blogging’. Our guest blogger this month is communications expert, Lucy Jackman from Comma Sense Limited, also our speaker and trainer at our November event. Blogging on your website is a great way to engage with your customers, however many people I meet are afraid to write […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Why Re-Network?

Networking is an essential element of business development, a crucial skill and even a profession for some. In this context, it has nothing to do with IT and everything to do with people and relationships. We define it as the creation, development and maintenance of intricate systems of inter-personal relations with current and prospective friends, […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Please Don’t Quit

Resignation is practically ‘de rigueur’ right now – not sure I even risk using a French phrase given EU antics, British political meltdown and even the English football fiasco. Setting aside politics (for fear of writing a book, not a blog), the last fortnight has not just evoked questions for the future of small business […]

By Kirsty James | Business News

Guest Blog – Do Customers Really Trust Your Business?

Guest blog from Rosalind Henshell of Big Thinking Online, speaker at our May 2016 event on Online Marketing Essentials – Brand Building and Reputation Management (for further event info, click here).   Do Customers Really Trust Your Business? I’m sure your gut reaction says that yes, they do, but how can you prove it? Let’s […]

By Kirsty James | Business News