Networking Blogs

Networking Tips

The first step when networking is to understand why you are networking. From there you can build your What, Where, When, Who and How.

Watch our 1 minute networking tip video

Do you value and protect your business connections data and how do you back up your Linkedin data?

Watch our 1 minute networking tip video

Have you reviewed and updated the social profile consistency or your online networking identity ?

Watch our 1 minute networking tip video

During this ‘In Conversation With’ live interview by Kalini Kent, Kirsty James, owner of Colony Networking, chats about the power of networking and communication in enabling personal and business growth.

The series of ‘In Conversation With’ interviews can be found at Conversations With Kalini Kent – YouTube

Colony owner, Kirsty James, is interviewed by author, radio presenter and public speaker Karen Kelly. During this podcast on Red Shift Radio, Karen and Kirsty discuss networking tricks, tips and techniques.

The podcast is part of a series entitled Appetite for Life available at

Listen to the podcast interview on networking here

Contact details for Karen Kelly

Karen Kelly

Author-Radio Presenter-Public Speaker


Facebook: KAREN KELLY Author

RedShift Radio:

In this webinar, Kirsty James joins a panel discussion led by Beckie Taylor of Tech Returners to answer questions about Virtual Imposter Syndrome.

This video was provided by Tech Returners

In this podcast, Kirsty James is interviewed by Patricia Keating of UK Fast and Tech Manchester about her top tips for building successful business relationships which center around the ‘C’ word.

Top Takeaways:
– Why good business networks are vital for start ups and small businesses
– Knowing your ‘why’ to start networking
– How to maintain relationships after that first meetup
– The ‘C’ words you need to remember

This podcast forms part of Fast Forward podcast series run by Tech Manchester

During this Facebook Live run weekly by Social Media Executive, Becs Bate chats to Kirsty James about her top tips for a blended networking strategy comprising social media, in-person and online networking.

This live interview forms part of a series of weekly Facebook Lives run by Social Media Executive which are featured on their YouTube channel