Sue France was originally a Childrenswear designer but after her 27 year old daughter died from Cancer in 2001 she worked as a volunteer in the office of “The Kirsty Appeal” for Francis House Childrens Hospice. Her speciality was events and this led to a change of career towards marketing and PR.
As Head of PR and marketing for Tomahawk Hotels in Yorkshire she became involved with Forward Ladies Networking and consequently ran events for several years in the NW covering Merseyside , Cheshire and Manchester City Centre.
She retired in 2014 but the regulars who attended her events persuaded her to continue so Sue now runs one event a month under the title of ” Sue France Creative Connecting in Cheshire”
Her most significant event is her annual literary lunch where would be writers become inspired and return the following year having penned their own book. This lunch has been responsible for many would be authors meeting book editors and getting their name in print and it is now in its fifth successful year.
Sue is also Patron of the Manchester charity “Gift Of A Wedding” .The charity arranges weddings for couples where one partner is terminally ill
Also working with RedShift Radio and involved in various freelance networking projects including restaurant reviewing.
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