Maura Jackson
BACKUP North West
Mutiple Award Winning CEO of Multiple Award Winning Backup North West
BACKUP is a charity supporting homeless people aged 16-25 years old. We offer supported tenancies across Bolton and accommodation for emergency cases to prevent rough sleeping and prevent harm to young vulnerable people. The aim is to prevent homelessness and enable independent living.
we have expanded to become the only provider of specialist supported housing for young people growing from 14 to 70 staff and 33 to 117 clients at any one time. We have 9 services:-
Castle House – emergency accommodation for homeless young people under 18
Supported Lodgings
Supported Tenancies
Project Front Door
Plan B
Lucas Project
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Mar 20 IWD | Cheshire International Womens Day #IWD2020 – March 2020 | 4 Hours | March 4, 2020 |