

Small Business Saturday partner

LiveWire manages Warrington's Leisure, Libraries and Lifestyles services

From May 2012, Leisure, Libraries and Lifestyles services transferred from Warrington Borough Council and merged into a Community Interest Company (CIC). As LiveWire is a CIC, any profit generated is reinvested back into developing and improving its facilities and services for the community to utilise. LiveWire strives to promote a healthy lifestyle, increased participation in activities whilst encouraging reading and learning through the use of free access to books, IT suites and the internet.

LiveWire is now the largest provider of Leisure facilities within the area and is committed to ensuring all members of the community have access to local facilities and activities. All services are Quality Accredited and offer excellent value for money on membership packages.

LiveWire is managed by Managing Director, Emma Hutchinson, and a board of 12 members.