Coach and Mentor at The Property Mentor which helps people who are looking to start or develop their property journey through bespoke training and mentoring.
Host at The Property Mentor Network Meeting in Warrington – an informal evening sharing hints and tips about property investing with a Q&A session. First entry is free – just use the code Alison. Details at
National Trainer for The Utility Warehouse Discount Club. The natural extension of developing and leading a team of people is the ability to coach, mentor and support them. Alison was chosen as one of the few to deliver the College of Excellence training programme on behalf of the plc.
If you are looking to develop a second income stream, develop a property portfolio and are thinking about working with a mentor or coach, then it would be great to link up. Come to our property network meeting or just give us a call.
Alison is a long term attendee and supporter of Colony and sponsors, comperes and facilitates several of Colony’s Business and Community events.