Alex McCann

Alex McCann

Altrincham HQ

Ranked Number 1 For Social Media Marketing in the UK on Freeindex

Alex McCann is owner of Altrincham HQ – a social media management and training company based in Cheshire that has worked with 1000s of local business developing their social media strategy.

Over the past 8 years Alex has built up an impressive client list including the BBC, NHS, University Of Manchester, Manchester Arndale and many more

Each month Altrincham HQ spend 200+ hours per month managing marketing campaigns for businesses so witness Social Media changes in real time and action them.

A former journalist, whose blogs have been read by over half a million readers, he has also successfully ran an events company putting on 60 events a year which included a 15,000 capacity arts & music festivals in Manchester.

Alex has 300+ LinkedIn testimonials and is ranked number 1 for Social Media Marketing in the UK via independent customer reviews on Freeindex.

Altrincham HQ works with businesses across the UK on all aspects of Social Media including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and blogging for business success


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Oct 18 Women Colony Women in Business: Networking, Books & Blogs 2 Hours October 4, 2018