If you’re a small business and growing then you may need to outsource – if you don’t already. If you already outsource and are still growing, then at some point you’ll need to re-assess the pro’s and con’s of outsourcing and consider taking a leap of faith into the world of employment.
So, what is outsourcing, and why, when and how do you outsource effectively…and perhaps more importantly what, why, when and how should you not outsource. Outsourcing is an absolute essential resource for small business owners to consider for cost, time, efficiency and sanity benefits. Fail to understand the opportunity it presents, and your business may not thrive as it should.
For more information and great tips, don’t miss hearing guest speaker Rachel Flanagan at our next event.
Networking plus Presentation on ‘Outsourcing’
When Wed 7 Oct, 9.30-11.30am
At our NEW drop-in venue The Lymm Hotel, Lymm, WA13 9AQ