Essentially I do four things:
1. I find funding for businesses – from banks to business angels and everything in-between – from £10k to £10m.
2. I prepare Business Plans / Profit and Loss Forecasts / Cash Flow Forecasts in order to assist with the raising of funds.
3. I train people how to pitch in front of Business Angels
4. I provide an unbiased opinion on your business and what you need to do to improve its long term profitability.
There is so much funding out there at the moment – especially for North West businesses, and so it’s all about putting the right proposal in front of the right funder(s).
Some of the funding is commercial, some government backed, some sector driven, some geographically focused, some stops at a certain level , some starts at a certain level/ some is focused on early stage / some focused on established businesses.
I dont specialise in one particular type of finance – I give you the best funding options available depending on the amount you want / the uses of that funding/ your current business situation/your attitude to debt vs equity. I then help you work out what fits best for you.
If funding is limiting the growth of your business then you need to give yourself the best chance to get it. I can help you do that.