Visual Social Media


Visual Social Media
Price: £0* - £25.00
* Funding may be available


May 20, 2015 - 9:00 am


May 20, 2015 - 1:00 pm


Statham Lodge Country House Hotel, Lymm, WA13 9BP   View map

Workshop & Networking

4 hour business workshop to introduce various visual social media tools including You-Tube, Instagram, Pinterest and more. Funded* training course in partnership with Connecting Cheshire.


This bespoke course is organised by Colony in partnership with Connecting Cheshire who fund* the training (inclusive of resources and refreshments), and delivered by expert marketeer Tim McCloud of TMC

08.45 – Arrival, Registration and Open Networking

09.15 – Introductions & Announcements

09.30-13.00 – Visual Social Media Training Workshop

Social Media has brought about a huge change in marketing strategy. The visual  emphasis of platforms such as Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram allow businesses to showcase their offering in a way like never before. The aim is to raise brand awareness, encourage viral sharing and improve website traffic.

Specially tailored for small / medium business this interactive half day session is suitable for everyone who would like to gain knowledge and skills needed to get the most out of visual social media.
This Specialist Workshop will cover:

  • Uses of visual social media for business – Looking at the many ways in which businesses can exploit visual social media
  • A tour of the networks – an in-depth look at each of the most popular networks including Pinterest, Instagram and Youtube
  • Instagram – marketing trends, creating a compelling profile and use of branded hashtags
  • Pinterest – optimising your site for Pinterest, showcasing your product/service to drive traffic to your site and engaging with communities.
  • Youtube – leveraging custom video to differentiate your business from your competition.


  • £ Free – £25* (including training resources and refreshments).
  • Course is fully funded for eligible business (in geographical & sector catchment). Upon registering, you will be notified if your place is funded. Where it isn’t, you may choose to attend on a paid basis for an advance ticket price of just £25 to be invoiced and paid before the course.
  • Limit of 1 attendee per company for funded places. Further attendees from the same company can attend on paid basis.
  • Prior to the event, you will be contacted by Connecting Cheshire to complete the admin regarding their funding and in order to receive pre-course resources.
  • Due to high demand, please note that any cancellations made in the last 48 hours will be subject to a £10 admin fee

Pre-booking is essential as numbers will be limited. Click Register to book and pay by card via Eventbrite Please note that any cancellations made within the last 48 hours will attract a fee of £10 to cover admin costs.
