Sexting..Grooming..Cyberbullying..Paedophilia..Trolling..Safeguarding..Parental Controls
Want to keep your family safe on the Internet?
How much do we really understand about the dangers of the Internet and social media, particularly for our children?
The Internet is a fantastic resource, crucial to developing core skills, but with terms such as cyberbullying, sexting, paedophilia, grooming, trolling and safeguarding so frequently banded about in the media, how can parents keep up?
Undoubtedly, without accurate information, education and management of the technology around us, and an understanding of the myriad of support organisations and campaigns available, the internet and social media usage has the capacity to present both physical and psychological dangers.
During the evening, a panel of speakers – including experts from the private, public and third sectors – will discuss many of the challenges, dilemmas and practical issues we face on a wide range of eSafety topics and provide practical guidance, tips and advice for parents and guardians to navigate the internet and key social media. Plus, there will be spotlight introductions, literature and offers from other sources to enhance the variety of knowledge and benefits provided.
Event profits to NSPCC Warrington Schools Service and donations from ticket proceeds to Altrincham-based Albania Hope and the hosting school PTA.
PTA bar open for refreshments on the evening.
19.15 – Arrival, Registration, Social, PTA bar open.
19.45 – Introductions, Panel Presentations Part 1
21.00 – Interval and Social
21.30 – Panel Presentations Part 2
22.15 – Q&A
22.30 – Close
Event Programme includes:
- Risks: Gaming, Social Networking, Chat Apps (WSI e-success)
- Safer Use: Blocking, Filtering, Monitoring (WSI e-success)
- ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ & Childline (NSPCC)
- Supporting Parents & Kids Online (Head of PHSE covering eSafety at
Sir Thomas Boteler High School)
- How Safe Are Your Children? (Greater Manchester Police, Sexual Crimes Unit)
- Local Authority Services (Education Safeguarding Team)
- eSafety Training & Support (Safer Children)
- Cyber-safety tools: Parental Controls, Filters, & Software
Plus further information stands, resources and spotlight speakers
Information, links and resources will be offered to attendees and also added to the resources page of this website as they become available. Click here to view
Our panel of experts includes representatives from the private, public and third (charity) sectors. Their details will be added to the Speakers page of this website as they become available. Click here to view
All parties are selected carefully to ensure they are sufficiently qualified and experienced to speak on their subject matter and that they are local. Often, speakers are parents or guardians themselves too. Colony does not control presentation content but, by acting as a vehicle to coordinate parties and facilitate events, will always vet the credentials of speakers before events occur.
Info & FAQ:
If you’re on Facebook and would like to hear updates about this event and see responses to questions raised, you can follow the event in the Colony page here

To download the event flyer, click the image below

Connection to events in school:
As part of the work involved on Internet Safety, Colony has liaised with organisations already running workshops in Warrington primary schools to include their content in the 11th February adult event. In addition, we received an offer from Internet and Social Media consultancy (WSI E Success) to deliver eSafety talks and videos to the infants and juniors. Previous talks have been delivered in the Trafford area.
Annie Bannister of WSI kindly offered her time freely to present two assemblies at Cherry Tree Primary on Jan 12th. Though she runs her own marketing and social media consultancy for private work, the work done for Colony (and other schools) is not for commercial gain. Instead, Colony has donated to her chosen charity, Albania Hope in Altrincham (trafficking charity).
A word from Annie on her passionate involvement in esafety:
From running an internet marketing agency, I am exposed day in day out to the many facets of the internet and how commercially the internet can help. Two charities we work with are against human trafficking and the internet is a significant tool traffickers use to recruit their ‘slaves’.
I am also a parent of three teenagers and have a strong interest in ensuring they and the children they interact with stay safe online, I have been assisting local schools with esafety events since 2011 and feel strongly that education is key for children and parents to navigate this increasingly complex and sometimes quite hidden area which we all spend so much time on each and every day.