Allergy Awareness: Skin, Food, Respiratory
Food Allergies … Anaphylaxis … Eczema … Asthma … Allergy First Aid
The next ‘Think Family’ information event will be a shorter afternoon workshop on Allergies. This follows and supports the collaborative allergy awareness work done this term with Cherry Tree and Ravenbank primary schools.
Quick, clear facts and practical advice from key allergy support organisations and open to all members of the community, not just school parents.
£5 Ticket – Online registration here or via the Facebook event page is advised. Cash payment to be made on the door or via school reply slip where available.
Ticket revenue covers event costs.
PTA bar open for refreshments on the evening.
13.20 – Doors open. Arrival, Registration, Social, PTA refreshements.
13.45 – Welcome & Introductions
13.50 – Panel Presentations – Eczema, Asthma, Anaphylaxis
14.35 – Allergy First Aid
14.50 – Q&A
15.00 – Close
Event Programme includes:
Event Programme includes talks, videos & information from:
• Anaphylaxis Campaign
• National Eczema Society
• Asthma UK
• Allergy UK
• Allergy First Aid
Cherry Tree Primary School, Lymm, WA13 ONX.
Refreshments available from the PTA to support the hosting school.
Note: Not a school or PTA only event and open to all, not just mums or parents of the school.
Young children may accompany adults without charge if needed to assist with childcare issues.
About Colony Community events:
Colony Community is a non-profit making community initiative run by local mum Kirsty James, who is currently seeking sponsorship and funding to provide community and parental engagement events that offer information and support on family wellbeing issues. Any revenue generated from events covers event costs and any remaining funds are donated to charities or reinvested back into the project to run future events. Organisers, speakers and organisations involved offer their time voluntarily
Information, links and resources will be offered to attendees and also added to the resources page of this website as they become available. Click here to view
Our panel of experts includes representatives from the key national support organisations linked to allergies. Their details will be added to the Speakers page of this website as they become available. Click here to view
All parties are selected carefully to ensure they are sufficiently qualified and experienced to speak on their subject matter. Often, speakers are parents or guardians themselves too. Colony does not control presentation content but, by acting as a vehicle to coordinate parties and facilitate events, will always vet the credentials of speakers before events occur.
Info & FAQ:
If you’re on Facebook and would like to hear updates about this event and see responses to questions raised, you can follow the event in the Colony page here

To download the event flyer, click the link below
Colony Community Think Family Allergies flyer
Connection to events in school:
As part of the work involved on allergy awareness, Colony has facilitated a collaborative cross-school project relating to allergy awareness. It assisted Cherry Tree primary school to introduce a nut free status and coordinated activities within an Allergy Awareness week to coincide with the Anaphylaxis Campaigns Orange Wig Day. Activities included speakers, videos, making posters and a nut free badge, selling awareness wristbands and dressing in orange to raise funds for the Anaphylaxis Campaign. An assembly was also delivered by children from another primary school in Lymm, Ravenbank, to speak about severe food allergies.