SoupOnTheGo is a community networking and micro-funding project run by three Cheshire business women. It provides an alternative funding model for community causes. It offers individuals, community groups, charities and local causes with an opportunity to receive project funding during an evening of project pitch presentations that are voted on by attendees.
Read on for more info about being a community pitcher or attending this event to support
Timings (subject to adjustment):
18.30 – Arrival & Soup
19.15 – Welcome and Introductions
19.20-19.50 – Pitches
19.50-20.10 – Thinking, discussion and networking time
20.10 – Voting closes
20.20 – Winner announced and presentation of prize
20.30 – Close
How does it work?
- People with great, early-stage ideas (projects or start-ups) that will provide lasting benefit to our community submit applications, and three are selected to present their ideas in a 10 minutes pitch during our evening event.
- Attendees make a suggested £10 donation to the evening in return for receiving a vote on the evening and a bowl of soup.
- After the presentations, attendees vote, and all of the votes are counted. The project pitch with the most votes wins the cash prize!
- What funds the cash prize and what else do pitchers receive?
- Our event has been sponsored/supported by various local parties names below and tbc who have donated a cash prize of £tbc. Attendee entrance donations on the night plus income from the sale of tea, coffee and cakes will be added to this to increase the final total received by the winner on the night.
- Your money goes directly to supporting an amazing community project or social enterprise! Thank you.
- Your money goes directly to supporting an amazing community project or social enterprise! Thank you.
- Beyond the cash prize for the winning project, each presenter still benefits from:
– Experience of pitching your idea
– Networking with other community-minded people, associations and groups
– Collaborative and co-production opportunities
Booking info for applicants and attendees
Applications to pitch are required in advance. Please make sure you select the “Pitcher Registration’ ticket type in order to apply and complete the questions. A shortlist of three will be randomly selected and those successful will be notified by Monday 9 Oct so they may prefer their final talk. Those who are unsuccessful on this occasion will be eligible to apply again at future events in an applicable geographical area.
Eligibility: For the Lymm event, it is requested that projects be able to demonstarte that their work will benefit the people of Lymm.
To attend this event to support and vote for a local cause, please make sure you select the ‘Attendee Registration’ ticket type. Your ticket includes a delicious bowl of soup and a vote. Further purchases of tea, coffee and cakes can also be purchased.
About Us
Soup On The Go Cheshire is a soup-based funding initiative in Cheshire that supports local people and projects. Run by Cheshire business women Sam Newey, Catherine Sandland and Kirsty James.
Thank you to our sponsors and supporters including The Sancturary Cafe and URC (for venue and furniture), Lymm Ladies Circle (for soup and cakes), Room Forty (for bread), and The Ideas Pot (Sam Newey), Whitehart Training (Catherine Sandland) and Colony Networking (Kirsty James) for organising. Sponsors and donors will be named and thanked publicly at each event and via our marketing activities.