Karen Taylor
Project CompleteStart
January 19, 2018 - 9:30 am
January 19, 2018 - 11:30 am
The Lymm Hotel, Whitbarrow Road, Lymm, Warrington, WA13 9AQ View mapNetworking + Business Talk
All Colony events are networking events that include both open and structured networking. In addition, our monthly mixed events also include either a talk from a business speaker on a generic business topic, a business panel or a structured business activity.
Our January event will begin with the usual opportunities for both open as well as structured networking. In the structured part of the event, we shall then hear from our guest speaker, Karen Taylor of Project Complete.
Do you treat your business like a project? Do you have the best project management tools in place to achieve your goals?
We can all set goals. Indeed, we frequently do and especially at the start of a new year when many business events focus on the topic. Goal-setting is not the biggest challenge though. Achieving them is, and particularly if the right structure and tools aren’t in place.
Our business talk this month will put a twist on the usual new year goal setting events with some practical tips and tools. Experienced project manager Karen Taylor will give an informative and inspiring talk about how to ‘treat your business like a project’ to ensure that goals and objectives are actually pursued effectively for maximum success.
Several project management tools and apps for small businesses will be referenced with an introductory demo of leading platforms such as Asana, Trello and Milanote to show how easy it can be to set up and achieve goals by breaking projects into tasks to systemise, action, achieve and monitor results.
Don’t miss our January event if you’d like to be shown how to treat your business like a project and introduce the right techniques and tools to achieve your business goals this year.
Book below to take advantage of the expertise shared by our guest speaker and project management guru about using a project management platform.
09.30 – Arrival, Registration and Open Networking
10.00 – Introductions, Announcements & Structured Networking
10.30-11.30 – Presentation, Discussion and Q&A
£10 (advance), £12.50 (door), or included in annual Colony Networking membership (click to enquire). Price includes networking, presentation and resources.
Colony Connections service – on request. Let us assist you to connect with a particular contact by brokering the contact and extending an invite to them and facilitating the introduction.
The Lymm Hotel, Whitbarrow Road, Lymm, Warrington, Cheshire, WA13 9AQ (parking onsite).
Donations to our 2018 nominated charity, St Rocco’s Hospice, will be much appreciated. These can be made at the point of registration via a link provided, from our website or you can donate in cash at the event.
Pre-booking recommended. Payment on the door accepted subject to space.
Click Register to book and pay by card via Eventbrite.