Networking and Presentation event
Open networking plus a presentation and structured business planning activities with co-facilitator Sam Bridger.
As in life, businesses need a Plan B. Not everything goes to plan all of the time.
With each business startup, every consultant will say a business plan is needed, and life coaches will say the same for individuals, but what happens when something happens to torpedo that plan? 2016 was a turbulent year for both individuals and business owners and we enter 2017 with a blank canvas ahead but a number of economic unknowns. So how does that affect you and your plans? Do you have a Plan B? Or even a Plan C, D and E? We will take a look at why it is good to have a plan and why it is even better to have a Plan B.
Many New Year business events focus on standard business planning and goal setting. Here, we’ll take you beyond standard planning that might cover setting targets, vision boards, and strategising and look at your Plan B – why do you need one and what it could contain. How you react to unexpected change. And what the trigger factors might be to consider engaging Plan B.
09.00 – Arrival, Registration and Open Networking
09.30 – Introductions & Announcements
09.40-11.00 – Presentation & Structured Networking activities
£10 (full networking & presentation event 09.00-11.00)