Networking Know-How

Networking Know-How


Networking plus a talk on Networking Strategy: The Why, When, Where, Who, What & How
Price: From £10.00


Kirsty James
Kirsty James Consulting


February 16, 2018 - 9:30 am


February 16, 2018 - 11:30 am


Lymm Heritage Centre (beside Saddlers Arms), 1 Legh Street (off Bridgewater Street), Lymm, Warrington, Cheshire WA13 0DA   View map

Business Networking + Talk

All Colony events are networking events that include both open and structured networking. In addition, our monthly mixed events also include either a talk from a business speaker on a generic business topic, a business panel or a structured business activity.


Networking is an accepted pre-requisite for many small business owners. Yet many business owners may not have networked before setting up their business, nor been told they may need to network and how to do it effectively. It is rarely taught in business courses and so is learnt on the job, often with time-consuming mistakes and knocks to self-confidence and self-esteem. People may be mixing in the wrong circles at the wrong events and saying the wrong things and then wonder why they’re not making good connections.

Business development strategy is all too often viewed as being about other marketing activities but networking skills form an integral part of today’s communication strategy which can really underpin business success. Our talk and discussions will focus on Best Practice Essentials – the Why, When, Where, Who, What and How of your Networking strategy and include discussion on what a small business owner needs to do, the potential shortfalls of bad networking in terms of brand and reputation damage, some networking jargon busting, reviewing the position of networking in the wider business development strategy, what tools and materials you could consider using, and summarising the differing format of networking events to find the right environment and style to benefit your growing business.

Whether a seasoned networker or new to the arena, don’t miss our February event if you’d like to improve your networking skills this year.


09.30 – Arrival, Registration and Open Networking

10.00 – Introductions, Announcements & Structured Networking

10.30-11.30 – Presentation, Discussion and Q&A


£10 (advance), £12.50 (door), or included in annual Colony Networking membership (click to enquire). Price includes networking, presentation and resources.
Colony Connections service – on request. Let us assist you to connect with a particular contact by brokering the contact and extending an invite to them and facilitating the introduction.


Lymm Heritage Centre (beside Saddlers Arms), 1 Legh Street (off Bridgewater Street), Lymm, Warrington, Cheshire WA13 0DA (beside main car park).


Donations to our 2018 nominated charity, St Rocco’s Hospice, will be much appreciated. These can be made at the point of registration via a link provided, from our website or you can donate in cash at the event.

Pre-booking recommended. Payment on the door accepted subject to space.

Click Register to book and pay by card via Eventbrite.
