A FREE social for anyone with business interests in Lymm.
For anyone with business interests in Lymm, you are invited to join Lymm Business Social after work for a quick get together, refreshments. Please book your space via the event link so we can cater for you.
The event is a free informal social intended to support the Lymm business community. It is open to Lymm business owners and staff working in and out of Lymm as well as local business contacts who may have businesses elsewhere but live and base their business out of Lymm. Events are free and are non-commercial. Light refreshments will be provided.
If you have some general business news to share, please contact us so that this may also be shared during the evening.
Our host for this event is Safety Central (Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service) http://www.safetycentral.org.uk/
Our organisers are Colony Networking and Lymm Life Magazine.
Future venue hosting and organisational support would be most welcome.
17.30 – Arrival, Tea/Coffee, Social
18.15 – Welcome and a short tour of the Safety Central site.
19.00 – Close
£ Free. Pre-booking requested for catering purposes.