KTS Women in Business July 2020


Networking, Speakers & Breakouts
Price: £18


July 1, 2020 - 2:00 pm


July 1, 2020 - 4:00 pm


Online   View map

Women in Business Networking

Following the success of their collaborative #IWD 2020 event early March, Sue, Tricia and Kirsty are once again collaborating to offer a women’s business event that promises connections, learning and support by combining a a fantastic speaker, networking and breakout programme.

PROGRAMME (subject to minor adjustment):

14.00 – Login and familiarisation

14.10 – Welcome and Introductions from the hosts & event partners

14.15 – Spotlight on Mindset & Resilience by Suzanne Griffiths

14.25 – Spotlight on Video Live’s by Aga Mortlock

14.35 – Spotlight on Health & Wellbeing by Dr Joanne McCormac

14.45-15.10 – Faclitated breakouts

15.10-15.30 – Keynote Maura Jackson of BackUp North West

15.30 – Raffle (sponsored by My Time to Change), Thanks & Open networking for those who wish to stay on

16.00 – Line closed


Maura Jackson

Mutiple Award Winning CEO of Multiple Award Winning Backup North West (a charity supporting homeless people aged 16-25 years old)


Dr Joanne McCormack

A freelance NHS GP who worked as a safeguarding children’s doctor for several years as well as a family GP in Warrington and helps people change their lifestyles and diet to stay well and avoid medication.  


Aga Mortlock

A freelance brand photographer helping female business owners and entrepreneurs build outstanding and inspiring brand awareness by creating a bank of professional images for their website and other online needs.


Suzanne Griffiths

Founder of Ignite Your Talent Coaching enabling high performing women who are ‘stuck’ or want to make changes, to know what to do next. Mentoring busy, professional people to gain control, prioritise their lives and map out their future success.



Raffle – To purchase a raffle ticket to win a £50 voucher for The Hollies Farm Shop sponsored by My Time to Change with all proceeds going to our keynote speaker’s charity, Back Up North West, please text ‘RAFFLE’ to 07789852892. A link will be returned to you to make card payment via a secure link. Tickets are £5.

This event will be run virtually on Zoom and login in details will be sent the day before the event.

Pre-booking only

Ladies only please
No sector or geographical restrictions
No limit per company


KTS Women in Business is a collaborative project between three of the most renowned networking event organisers in the North West, who have been referred to in the regional press and by attendees as the ‘Queens of Networking’, the ‘Three Amigo’s’ and the ‘Backbone of Networking’ in Cheshire and Manchester.

Kirsty James, Tricia Peters and Sue France (KTS) each run their own networking groups comprising over 30 years of experience organising business and networking events. Between them, they have helped hundreds of people to connect and grow their businesses and they are responsible for thousands of pounds worth of business in the region. They do this by facilitating the right introductions and also by providing events, workshops and seminars to increase the knowledge of their attendees.

Although each of the ladies has their own unique brand and their individual style of bringing people together, their core message is the same. They know that, although social media is a fantastic tool for business development, nothing beats direct communication via events and building up a business relationship gradually.

Colony Networking (Kirsty James)

Cheshire Business Events (Tricia Peters)

Creative Connecting in Cheshire (Sue France)




Click Register to book and pay by card via Eventbrite.
