Networking Chocoholics
Women in Business + Networking + Speaker + Chocolate Tasting
All Colony Women in Business events are networking events that include both open and structured networking with a fun and sociable twist in the catering arrangements. In addition, these quarterly women’s events also include either a guest speaker presentation, panel of speakers, or a structured business activity.
Following the success of prior Colony Women events, we are pleased to confirm a special Easter themed event for March 2018.
This women in business event combines networking with a chocolate catering twist and break out activity just prior to the Easter weekend. If you gave up chocolate for lent, now is the time to re-introduce it at an event that will offer tastings as well as chocolate-based refreshments. We’ll also hear from experts in the field of chocolate and add in a networking talk on knowing your sweet spot in business. Places will be limited again so don’t miss out on a space at what will be another creative event involving indulgent refreshments, short talks and activities, and networking.
- NETWORKING – and lots of it, both in open and closed formats.
- CHOCOLATE – to eat, to drink, to sample, to hear about (alternative catering/samples will of course be provided).
- KEYNOTE SPEAKERS – ‘Knowing your sweet spot in business’, Amanda Daniels, Koogar Intergated & Digital Marketing.
- WOMEN in BUSINESS – the event will be of particular benefit to female business owners, managers and key decision makers in businesses trading in Cheshire, Manchester, and Merseyside.
- FUN – we’re serious about networking work but it’s about people after all so it will be friendly, informal and fun.
- CONNECTIONS Service (optional extra) – if you’re trying to connect with a particular contact, ask us about how we can help. We can do the legwork to invite your chosen contact as your guest or ensure you are introduced to particular contacts.
TIMINGS (subject to adjustment):
£22.50 or included in annual Colony Women membership (click to enquire).
Colony Connections service – on request. Let us assist you to connect with a particular contact by brokering the contact and extending an invite to them and facilitating the introduction.
St James Business Centre, Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 6PS
Pre-booking only
Ladies only please
No sector or geographical restrictions
No limit per company