Colony Wellbeing First Friday – Posture
How is your physical posture? Are you sitting comfortably? Do you stand to work? Do you suffer from back, neck or shoulder pain? Have you considered the long-term effects of incorrect positioning whilst using technology? Are you maximising the benefits of the exercise and activities in which you participate?
Many of us have recently changed our working environment and perhaps not considered the implications and damaging effects that our surroundings and our behaviour on technological devices is having on our physical health, in particular on our back, neck and shoulders.
Guest speaker Kim Cant, qualified member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, will be providing guidance on our physical posture & understanding the impact that our working environment and use of technology can have on our physical wellbeing.
Topics for discussion may include:
- Considerations for your working environment.
- Understanding the impact of phones and handheld technology on your head and neck position.
- The potential risk of future back and neck pain from bad posture and how to mitigate this.
- Working in a standing up position.
- How to maximise the impact of exercise, especially postural activities such as yoga and pilates, by understanding your body, its alignment, coordination and joint structure.
Join us in a seated position, ideally from a firm chair.
The session will close with an active rest exercise which will require a little space on the floor if you wish to stay on to participate on this at the end
Colony Wellbeing First Friday is a monthly wellbeing-focused event run by The Colony Networking Group on the first Friday of the month (usually held at Lymm Business Centre). 1 month the event includes an afternoon of short treatments from local therapists at a taster price and the next month there will be a presentation and/or discussion on a wellbeing topic from a local leading expert.
Event runs 14.00 to 15.15.
14.00 – Login, Welcome and Introductions
14.15 – Outline & Introductions
14.20 – Talk by Kim Cant, Discussion & Q&A
15.00 – Optional Active Rest activity to close
15.15 – Close
Prices are just £7.50.
Free for Colony members of any group.
Login details will be send you to prior to the event with supporting information.