Club90 Business Networking & Speaker Lunch Club
Are you based near Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, Stockport, Macclesfield, Cheadle, Knutsford, South Manchester or surrounding areas.
Take 90 minutes out of your business every 90 days.
Come along to this business and networking lunch event hosted by Colony Networking, Think Beyond and Mottram Hall.
Lunch | Networking | Speakers | Discussion | Champneys viewing
Our theme this quarter will be Embracing Technology.
We’re delighted this quarter to welcome IT expert Danny Simpson, Chief Executive of MID Communications LTD.
In his talk, ‘The future of us’, Danny will deliver a fascinating overview of our IT use, applicable to both personal and business life. He will step us through a journey from the IT environment pre-pandemic, the changes that affected us all during the pandemic, through to his insights into the future of technology.
Either side of Danny’s main presentation, event co-hosts Kirsty of Colony and Merce or Think Beyond will be delivering a spotlight talk to link the event theme back to the disciplines of networking and marketing strategy.
Plus, if you’d like a sneaky tour of the Champneys leisure facilities and hotel, you can stay on afterwards for a guided visit.
TIMINGS (subject to adjustment):
12.30 – Welcome & Introductions
12.45 – Lunch, Speaker, discussion, facilitated networking
14.00 – Close (with optional site tour for those who wish to stay on)
Single Ticket – £30 or 2 Colony event credits (sold in packs on the website)
Club Membership (4 events) – £90* with no fees (*onsite events include lunch and refreshments)
Club Visitor – £30.00 if we run the event in person as planned. £20.00 if online (with a refund for the difference provided)
Become a club member or attend as a visitor to:
* Build relationships with other local businesses;
* Hear inspiring and educational talks;
* Improve your networking and business skills
* Discuss current business issues;
* Solve problems and source contacts.
At our new venue for 2021, Mottram Hall, if we are permitted to resume in-person events. The event listing will be updated and communication sent to update attendees in advance.
Mottram Hall – Wilmslow Road, Mottram, SK10 4QT. Tel: 01625 828135
If events are forced to remain virtual, we will run online via Zoom. Login details will be provided the day before the event. We will contact you in advance to confirm and refund any applicable ticket price difference.
Pre-booking only.
No sector or geographical restrictions for visitors.
Membership limit: 1 member per identical brand, 2 members per sector.
Refunds will not be possible within 7 days of the event once orders have been placed with the venue.
Should you need to cancel your place, we will issue a refund if we are able to find a find a replacement attendee to take your place or, subject to the circumstances, at the discretion of the organising team.

Think Beyond is a marketing consultancy with a firm focus on value creation. From our offices in Cheshire, we help companies to research, plan and change their approach to marketing and enable accelerated time to value. Our philosophy is one of partnership to support your business needs with tailored solutions that help you to think differently about your marketing challenges. We adopt a scientific approach where possible, combining the latest innovations in neuroscience, artificial intelligence and analytics to boost your results. The objective is to increase the return on your marketing investment and everything we do keeps measurement and your numbers in mind. Why not find out how Think Beyond transforms marketing into a profit centre by calling 01625 682110 today.